Hair Protection

Hair Protection 101: The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Hair Masks and Serum


As the days go by, environmental factors and toxic chemicals in hair products are slowly killing our hair health. Hence, you see more and more hair fall, and the scalp slowly erodes. Consequently, you should look for a better solution to let your hair grow properly.  

Hair masks and serums are the products to use. They contain natural ingredients, protect your hair, and give it the moisture it deserves to style and move quickly across the world. Also, they limit the amount of dust and UV rays that can affect your hair and ruin its quality.  

However, there are certain things you need to follow before applying. It is the dos and don’ts of using Hair Masks and Serums. So, let’s begin the discussion in the next part.   

Do’s of Using Hair Masks and Serum  

Here are a few ways you can use your hair masks and serum –  

Begin with Clean and Damp Hair  

One of the first things you can do is put it on your clean and damp hair. After coming from the shower, you can put the hair serum and mask on your head to lock in the hydration. That way, you can have glowy and shiny hair throughout.  

Use The Right Amount  

The next thing you need to do is apply a certain amount of serum to your hair. A sizable amount is enough for your hair to shine properly. Hence, you should use a look to apply it. If you go beyond that, your hair will become greasy and lose originality. So, choose your amount wisely; otherwise, it can go south quickly, and you can lose your hair quality in no time.  

Check The Ingredients  

Another thing that you need to do is check the ingredients properly. You don’t want to put too many chemicals on your head. Instead, you should look for natural ingredients that add more nutrients and vitamins to your hair. Therefore, before buying a hair mask or serum, always check the ingredients it is made with.  

Don’ts of Using Hair Masks and Serum 

Here are a few things you need to avoid before applying hair masks and serum –  

Avoid The Scalp  

One of the first things you need to avoid while putting on the hair serum or mask is avoiding contact with the scalp. That way, it can make your hair look greasy and lose all its charm and magic. Therefore, it is said that you should ensure that serum makes indirect contact with the hair scalp. That way, you can have glossy hair.  

Avoid Alcohol-Based Serum  

You should also refrain from using alcohol-based serums. These can seriously damage your hair follicles and increase their damage. Furthermore, they can dry out quickly, making your hair look stiff and damaging it long-term. Therefore, you should avoid using alcohol-based serums and look to buy more natural products.  

Hair Protection Leads to Healthy Hair  

In the end, we can say that hair protection starts with hair masks and serums. They brilliantly add more resistance power to your hair and protect it from UV rays and toxins. Furthermore, you should ensure that the product has natural ingredients, which will add more strength to your hair.  

Therefore, you can follow the dos and don’ts mentioned in the above discussion. It will protect your hair and give it a good look, as it deserves. The instructions will help you to have good hair that is healthy and looks glossy. So, choose your products wisely and take your hair health to a new level.  

So, read the discussion and let your hair shine brighter than diamonds under the open sky.

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