
How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Assist With Felony Charges?

Facing a felony conviction can derail your life with a dramatic impact on finances, employment, and relationships. A criminal defense lawyer can assist as you navigate this stressful time, ensuring you have the opportunity to defend against these serious charges.

5 Ways a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Assist With Felony Charges

1. Understanding the Complex Legal Landscape

An experienced attorney has in-depth knowledge of the felony laws in your state. They can explain the charges you face, the potential consequences, and your defenses based on the available evidence. They also provide advice about your rights, answer questions about the applicable state laws, and walk you through each possible outcome in your case. Click here to learn more about what to expect when you hire a criminal defense attorney.

2. Negotiate for Reduced Penalties

Felony convictions carry more severe penalties than misdemeanor charges, including prison time in many cases. Criminal defense attorneys strategize about ways to reduce or even eliminate your possible sentence. They have experience with the state and federal agencies that may be involved in a felony case, such as the FBI and DEA.

For example, if you face a drug-related felony and struggle with substance use disorder, you may be able to enter addiction treatment in lieu of other penalties. They may also have leverage to negotiate a deal for a lesser sentence with the prosecutor in your case.

3. Prepare and File Defensive Documents

Your attorney will draft and file the necessary legal documents to defend your case. They enter the appropriate motions based on your defense strategy and follow up with the court to provide requested information and meet key deadlines. Following the necessary court procedures can prevent delays and challenges with your case.

These steps require significant research and legwork. The attorney will carefully review legal documents and case law, interview witnesses, and develop a strong defense on your behalf. They also have access to experts that can support your defensive position and help refute the prosecutor’s case against you.

4. Represent You in Court

Criminal defense attorneys can often help settle felony cases outside of court. Depending on the evidence, they typically try to arrange a plea bargain or even get your charges dismissed when possible. If the matter goes to trial, they will represent you before the judge and jury in hearings and other legal proceedings.

5. Provide Support

Most people experience difficult feelings when facing serious criminal charges. Your attorney will be on your side when you need a supportive advocate. Having trustworthy representation can help you manage the fear, anxiety, and confusion brought about by involvement with the legal system, especially if you’ve never been charged with a crime before.

You can typically schedule a free consultation with a criminal defense attorney. They’ll discuss the specifics of your case and answer your questions about what to expect if you face felony charges. Based on this meeting, you can decide whether to move forward with their legal representation. Contact an attorney within 48 hours of the initial arrest so they can begin working on your case immediately.

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